Baby Sleep Unlocked
Your baby can do more than you think
About Me
Hi, my name is Marta Drury. I live in the UK with my husband, my daughter, my son and a rescue dog. I always wanted to have children but I never realised that we are not born resilient parents, we need to become them despite many obstacles that will appear along the way. One of those obstacles for me was sleep deprivation.
After my daughter arrived I met many new people, but there was one that changed my life. I met a mum.
Her baby would only sleep in her arms, day or night. A brand new cot turned into a laundry basket, she mastered doing everything with one hand, whilst the baby was sleeping in the other. She loved a close bond with the baby but ever-growing sleep deprivation started turning the tired mum into something she didn't want to be. She made a decision to speak to a baby sleep consultant. She wasn't prepared to use the cry-it-out method so it took time to find the right person. After a lot of research, she found one that specialised in soft methods.
Seeing amazing improvements in her daughter's sleep, she decided to learn the magic herself. The following year she dedicated herself to studying the science of baby sleep. From dozens of scientific and experimental research and lectures from top masters in sleep science, pediatrics, children's psychology, somnology, and breastfeeding, she learned that not only are there many soft and effective methods to teach your baby to sleep independently, but also there are ways to improve the quality of their sleep without using any training methods.
Slowly but surely she unlocked the secrets of baby's sleep and she became a fully qualified and certified baby sleep consultant.
This is a story of how giving life to a new person, my daughter, gave life to two persons in me - a happy mother and a Baby Sleep Consultant.

● To educate parents about the basics of baby’s sleep
● To educate parents about soft methods that are a safer alternative to the cry-it-out method
● To show how they can change their baby’s sleep habits by themselves
● To help parents to get their sleep back so that can enjoy time with their little ones
● Respect and support parents’ values and views
● Respect and adapt to baby’s individual traits, no ‘one size fits all’
● Honesty in setting realistic goals and parents’ expectations, no empty promises
● Only scientific approach and evidence-based information, no gimmicks.
● Integrity and strong work ethic
● Diversity and Inclusion
● Continuous professional development
● No hard-selling, I'm only there if or when you need me